Dear friends,
Today I missed my daily morning meditation routine because I had to do some urgent job. The street was already busy, people were hurrying to the workplace. I felt that stress is in the air.
From where that stress comes out?
It comes out from the person who did not purify and release impressions from the day before, week, year… Accumulated unresolved issues from the past vibrate in the subconscious mind producing negative neuropathways.
Painful experience activates painfully emotions that a person experiences as body pain. Under the influence of negative impressions stored in subtle bodies, a person starts to create a negative belief system for himself and the environment producing new unfavorable circumstances. The same is happening with an athlete who is prone to injuries. Deep-rooted unresolved issues and negative emotional reactions unconsciously create circumstance like repeated injuries. On a conscious level, it is not possible to resolve it. Only through deep meditation-rehabilitation therapy obstacle will be removed and transformed.